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Recipes with Raw egg yolk

Cakes Hard boiled egg yolk Raw egg yolk Vanila ...

The hard-boiled egg yolk is mashed out with a fork and then stirred with the raw egg yolk, flour and half-buttered butter. Pour flour and baking soda together and stir in gradually. Put the dough cold until it is firm. It is rolled out on a floured table in ba

Cold cuts Chives Red onions in rings Lettuce leaves ...

Lettuce leaves on a greased piece of rye bread. Put the slices on top, decorate with red onion, egg yolk, horseradish, capers, radishes and chives.

Lunch Dill Capers Parsley ...

Butter the bread, cover it with chopped vegetables (parsley, dill, chives) Roll the fillet together and put it on the bread. Came a raw egg yolk in the middle. Garnish with capers around the herring, a dill sprig in the egg and a lettuce leaf on the plate.

Lunch Chives Hard boiled eggs Parsley ...

Cut 1 prepared herrings in narrow pulp and the rest in small cubes. Cut the peeled apples into small dice and washed pale celery stalks into narrow chopper. Chop onion and pickled cucumbers just fine. Arrow the hard-boiled egg, take the yolk out and rub it out

Sandwiches Løgring Smoked herring Raw egg yolk ...

From a smoked herring removed the legs. Herring placed on a piece of rye bread with butter. A løgring is added on top of the herring and therein laid bare the raw egg yolk. There sprinkled with a little cut chives and radishes into slices.

Mains White pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

Slice the beef and pork tenderloin in goulash-sized cubes, about 2 cm. pull the membrane of the liver and liver cut into bite-sized cubes. Serve meat, liver and cocktail sausages in bowls. Cut the bottom of the mushrooms. Rinse them under running water and Pat