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Sandwiches recipes

Sandwiches Pepper Salt Butter ...

Sprinkle cream to light foam and turn into finely chopped apple and horseradish. Taste with lemon juice, salt and pepper and do not touch the salad anymore, as it separates very easily. Serve calvet sole on rye bread and top with horseradish salad. Decorate

Sandwiches Pepper Salt Chives ...

Whip the eggs together with salt and pepper and add finely chopped garlic (store a little to decorate). Melt the butter on a small forehead and add the egg yolks. Stir over low heat until it stiffens, but still soft. Cut the salmon fillets into smaller pieces

Sandwiches Eggs Shrimp French bread ...

The prawns are spread on the bread. Just before serving, stir the egg yolk into the mayonnaise. White whipped stiff and turn in. The soufflemass is spread over the shrimps. The bread is gratified in the oven for 5-6 min at 225 degrees on the top rib.

Sandwiches Butter Cress Onion ...

The ham and onions are cut into cubes. The crust is cut off the rye bread so that the slices are round and they may be lubricated. With butter. Ham and onions are put in a ring on the bread. The egg yolk is laid in the middle and is trimmed with a crème.

Sandwiches Olive Dried oregano Toast bread ...

The tomatoes are cut into slices, sausage in strips and olives in slices. Tomatoes, sausage and olives are put on the bread. Sprinkle with oregano and the cheese is poured over. Gratin in the oven approx. 5 min. Under the grill

Sandwiches A little lemon juice Breadcrumbs Lemon juice ...

dressing: The red dressing is stirred together, first peel the peppers into the asparagus water, then stir the remaining ingredients. Peel the chopped or squeezed and add. Season with salt and pepper. sauce: The butter is melted to clarified butter. Vineg

Sandwiches Lemon ECCO seafood luxury shrimp drained French bread ...

Grease a slice of fresh french bread with butter, put a salad leaf on one side. Spray a top with mayonnaise on each slice. Cover the plate with 50-75 g prawns. Decoration: Decorate with lemon slice on each.

Sandwiches Asparagus Caviar Lemon ...

On the roasted French bread lubricate the dressing, then put a salad leaf, the two fish fillets side by side. On top of a coiled slice of smoked salmon, decorate with lots of prawns, asparagus and a couple of teaspoonful caviar (red and or black). Finish with