Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Red onions, cut

Salads Little bean sprouts Oil for frying Garlic, finely cut ...

Heat a little oil on a pan or wok and stir the meat for 1 minute. Add red onions, garlic and chilli and let it fry for 2 minutes. Come bean sprouts, oyster sauce and soy over and let it boil through. 2. Take it from the heat and put on crisp leaves of Romain s

Mains Tabasko (optional) Lime Medium plum tomato, finely chopped ...

Red onions, the juice of a lime and olive oil are mixed together in a medium sized bowl. Pour the liquid of the tuna and add it with coriander, jalapeño, and tomato. The taboo is also added if you want it in court. Cover the bowl and place it in the refrig