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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Sweat curry and chopped onions lightly in oil. Add grated carrot and esdragon. Turn it around. Add the chicken fillet into thin strips and let it spin for a few minutes without taking color. Pour cream and broth on and simmer for 10 minutes. Season with salt,

Soups Bread croutons Chicken cubes Olive oil ...

The squash is peeled and cut into small terns. Onions are chopped fine. The olive oil is heated and the onion and squash are exchanged without color. The flour is sprinkled and broth and milk poured on. It boils for 10 min. Then blend with a spelled blender or

Soups Fish-hull-heads and tails Pepper Juice of 0.5 lemon ...

Clean and fill the fish and cut them into pieces 3-4 cm. Kogelagen: Cut the slice into slices and put it in a pan with the other ingredients. Let it boil for about 15 minutes. Put the layer and pour it back into the pan. Aïolien: Prepare aïolien, lay wet. Stir

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Chopped flat-leaf parsley ...

Soak the sun-dried tomato into a little boiling water. Lift the olive oil into the saucepan and wrap white until it takes color. Add the chopped and drained tomatoes and raise the heat. Stir around and lower the heat after 5 minutes. Then come to the tomato pu

Mains Salt Spring onions Vegetable broth ...

The rice is boiled approx. 20 minutes in the water add salt, remove from the heat and draw approx. 40 minutes. Risbøffer: All ingredients are mixed. The mass is divided into baking molds or placed as "blemishes" on a baking sheet. Bake in the oven at 175 d

Sides Olive oil Large onion Medium-sized tomatoes or 1 ½ cups canned tomatoes ...

Heat the oil in a frying pan. Add the onions, cut into thin slices and season them until they are soft and transparent, but not brown. Bring the rice in and stir for a few minutes, so all the rice is covered with oil, they must not be browned. Add broth, water

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes ...

Sweat the chopped onion and garlic first, then swab the meat. Add tomato sauce and tomato casserole, + spices and salt and pepper. Cut the potatoes and aubergines in about ½ cm thin slices and raise the eggplant in oil. Once you've done it, start by plac

Sides Pepper Salt Lemon juice thereof ...

Olive oil, lemon juice, rosemary, salt and pepper are mixed in the order to a marinade in a small bowl. tips: This marinade is suitable for all poultry and veal.