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Aunt Tilje cake

Cakes in form
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4 portion(s)

Ingredients for Aunt Tilje cake

optional75 g chopped nuts or almonds
1tspBaking powder
125gMelted chocolate
500gWheat flour

Instructions for Aunt Tilje cake

To prepare the Aunt Tilje cake recipe, please follow these instructions:

Butter and sugar is stirred foamy. Sift flour and salt together and collect the dough carefully antler with eggs and the melted chocolate. The dough will be distributed in the roasting pan, swabbed *) and bake in middle of oven at 175 degrees in 40-45 min. Can sprinkled with almond flakes and/or Pearl sugar. *) Important: The exceptional by Aunt Tilje cake is precisely its solid surface, and it can be achieved only by a thorough brushing with beaten egg before baking. Tips: Can finally cover with a lid of dark pålægschokolade.

Aunt Tilje cake gets a nice crispy surface. The very best from the second day onwards and just gets better and better ...