Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Base recipes recipes

Base recipes A little extra pastamel for kneading Salt Eggs ...

Pour the flour into a bowl, add the battered eggs, oil, salt and ink and stir all with a fork. Spread the dough well - the ink is inflamed, but can easily be rubbed by the fingers. Add a little more flour if necessary. Grab the dough into a dish and let it res

Base recipes Water Salt Corn flour ...

In a thick pot, they bring the salted water to the boil. Pour the corn flour slowly into the boiling water with stirring and without boiling the water. When all the flour is mixed and it has formed a smooth porridge, they screw down for heat and let it smack f

Base recipes Garlic to taste Small glass black olives without stones ...

The olives are blended to butter on the food processor. It may take some time, as the mass likes to work up the sides. Push the pulp down with a dough scraper occasionally. Add crushed garlic.

Base recipes Hot water on demand Salt Desiccated coconut ...

May flour and coconut flour boil for 30-40 minutes, add salt and all blend in the blender to "smelly" texture. Put the "butter" in a mold, cool and turn it on a dish.

Base recipes Olive oil Water Fresh Sage ...

Blend nuts, lemon juice, salt, olive oil and water in a powerful blender until smooth. Transfer the mass to a bowl and mix the remaining ingredients with a spoonful. Cool in refrigerator for ½ hour and serve.

Base recipes Salt Water Corn groats ...

Bring the water to a boil in a high pot. Add the salt and stir the corn grits with a large saucepan. It must be done slowly and gradually, so the boiling is not interrupted, as it will easily clump. Let the corn boil tenderly for 45 minutes. For 1 hour for

Base recipes Salt Soup may Hen ...

Fry the chicken raw, cover with boiling water with salt and soup and boil approx. 1 1/2 hour depending on age. The chicken meat becomes very juicy and the soup is used for sauce.