Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with A little dill

Mains Lemon juice A little dill Pepper ...

Place the salmon with the skins side down in the greased pan, add butter / margarine lemon slices and dill on. Add white wine and cover the frying pan with aloe oil. Place it in the oven at 220 gr for 20 min. Add to the sauce egg yolks and water thick over

Mains A little dill Pepper Salt ...

Peel and chop onions and garlic cloves fine. Boil both parts in the oil on a pan. Grease an ovenproof dish with butter and put the fillets in it. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and add onions and garlic with the oil that is attached. Flake the tomatoes an

Mains Bread A little mixed salad A little dill ...

Soaked house blossom in cold water. Blend the smoked salmon to the mousse perfectly with 1-2 tablespoons. milk. Match it if necessary. Through a sieve. Lun the fish fund and melt the house blossom in it. Stir it with the mixed salmon. Season with salt, pepp

Lunch Lemon A little dill Peper ...

Stir in creme fraise, salt, peper and curry powder together. Grate and crack grovbollen and butter a little dressing on under the bread roll. Com salad on top and then the salmon. Squeeze a little lemon over and over if necessary. with dill or more dressing.