Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Canned coconut milk

Mains Banana chips Wheat flour Coconut chips ...

Chicken legs: make an incision around the "ankle" on each chicken leg. Cut through to the bone and remove skin and cartilage. Drag the long collar stiffener similar tendons out-use fingers and tweezers or tongs. Rub the thighs with salt, pepper and Curry and t

Mains Fresh cilantro, both roots and leaves, chopped Canned coconut milk Tailandsk fish sauce ...

To dress no finthakkes Lemongrass, coriander, shallot, garlic and ginger in a blender or food processor. Add the brown sugar, curry powder, pepper, salt and fish sauce and blend for 30 sec. While the machine is running, add 1 1/4 dl of coconut milk. Halvér