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Recipes with Cheddar cheese

Lunch (to go) Extra flour for kneading Little herbal vinegar Maldon salt ...

Make the dough using half the liquid, yeast, sugar and salt while stirring the flour gently. Add more liquid gradually after all is touched. Now you can start to knead carefully! Spend some extra flour and sprinkle. Use hands and elbows for 4 to 5 minutes for

Mains Pepper Salt Skimmed milk ...

Boil the lentils in plenty of water for approx. 10 minutes, drain the water. Heat the oil and season the onions for 3-4 minutes, add the garlic and simmer for 2 minutes. Take the saucepan off the heat and add the boiled lentils, tomato sauce, oatmeal, le

Mains Soft lettuce leaves Freshly ground black pepper A little soft butter ...

Mix the meat, spices and worcestershiresauce thoroughly in a bowl. Divide the mixture into four equal portions and shape them into steaks that match the balls. Make a grill or skillet ready. Brush grilled grill or pan with a little oil and sprinkle the stea

Sides Muffins molds Peper Salt ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into very thin slices of mandolin or alternatively a potato peel. Melt the butter and add finely chopped rosemary and simmer for a few min. Pour potatoes and melted butter into a bag and knead together, store a little butter to

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Chili ...

Grind the cheeses (or use cheese that has already been torn). Add water to boil soup horns. Put the butter in a large saucepan and add a flour and cook. Add the milk a bit, so that the mass becomes even and thickened. Add the cheeses to the milk together wit

Mains Basil Nutmeg Pepper ...

Butternut the pumpkin can be used in the oven when you make another dish. Give it for example. 3 / 4-1 hour at 180 gr. It must be in a dish, because when it is baked it spreads out a little. When baked, it can be halved, and the fill can be scrapped and the

Mains (600 g. cooked pasta is equivalent to 300 g. dry pasta) Olive oil (a little Browning of bacon) Pepper ...

how to do it • The bacon is crispy in the oil on a pan. • Pour the oil and grease bacon into a large bowl. • Pasta cooked according to the description on the packaging. Pour into the same bowl as the bacon. • Boil the whipped cream to boiling point (do not

Lunch (to go) Mayonnaise Cheddar cheese Emmenthal cheese ...

Sprinkle mustard on 2 slices of bread and mayonnaise on the 3rd slice. Put ham on one of the mustard, and top with Cheddar cheese, salad, bologna, the other slice of bread with mustard, salami, pickled cucumber slices, tomato, turkey, Emmental cheese, and the