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Recipes with Creme fraich

Desserts (warm) Cream Cinnamon to taste Big Apple ...

Peel the apple and share it in a boat. Peel the core house, sprinkle them with cinnamon (after taste) Turn on 200 g and pack the apples with cinnamon in silver paper and place them for 20-25 minutes. While the apple warmers make cream. Take the creme fra

Mains Bouillon Salt Cocktail sausages ...

Peel the potatoes and put them over without salt. Sprinkle the loaf of bread, cut it into big tern and brown them in a saucepan with good heat until the pieces have got a color. Cut the bacon into 1 cm big tern and put them into the pan until they are almost

Salads Freshly ground pepper Cucumber Creme fraich ...

The cucumber peeled and cut into thin slices. Cucumber slices placed in a bowl and sprinkled with salt. Let the cucumber pull 15-20 min. and throw the juice, which is formed. Rinse the cucumber slices and pat dry. Mix the cream fraichen with cucumber slice

Snacks Tortillia chips Avocado Hill cherry tomatoes ...

The Philidelfia, Creme fraichen and the Miracle Wing blades together. Peppers, olives, cherry tomatoes and avocado are cut very nicely. Ingredients are added to each other on layers. 1st layer - The compilation of Phillidelfia, miracle vip, creme frai

Cakes in form Salt Vanilla essence Baking soda ...

Melt the chocolate and butter in a spawn, take care so that it does not burn. Let it cool down. Pour sugar into the bowl and mix each egg well in the sugar mass. Knock one at a time and mix until the deb becomes a form of eggshell, soft and airy. Add the

Sides Pepper Salt Cucumber ...

Cook the pasta with a little salt and cool it off. Cut the peppers and cucumber into small cubes, peanuts cut into thin slices. Garlic, Sun-dried tomato and chilli (Seedless) chopped finely and mix in creme fraichen, season with salt and pepper. Fry the ba

Mains Creme fraich Season Milk ...

season. the chickens well with season. and fry them in a frying pan. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes (not too small), then boil the. Fry the bacon in a frying pan. Cut the peppers into cubes and put them in the pan with the bacon. Then add the sea

Dressing Bacon, diced Chives Creme fraich ...

good creme fraish over in a bowl. Clip purløgen into small pieces. Fry the bacon in the Pan, let all fattened drain away. season with salt and pepper. can be used for baked potato and salad. It is just the world's best hjmmelavet dressing ... try it, it is e