Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Flütes

Mains Flütes Pepper Cognac ...

The chicken is divided into 6-8 pieces. The batter is cut into small cubes, swirled well in a saucepan and taken up. The chicken pieces are browned in the melted fat, the fat is poured off. Cognac poured over the chicken and ignites (remember to turn off the h

Mains Cherry tomatoes Lemon both Flütes ...

Shred the steaks on dry pan, season with salt and pepper and fry 1-2 minutes on each side of the fat. The steaks are taken from the forehead, water and cream fry are added and boiled. Salt, pepper and garlic are added together with most of the pot. The steaks

Mains Brown sugar Flütes Frozen peas ...

Cook the chicken tenderloin in the water with 1 broth of cube and bay leaves. Put the chicken to cool and leave greasy from the water. Pick the chicken into small pieces. Sweat curry in a little margarine and add the liquid from the chicken. Smooth with maizen

Appetizers 1-2 tbsp. dry sherry Flütes A few drops of lemon juice ...

Pil el. Thaw the shrimps. Peel and cut asparagus into 3 cm long pieces. Bring them to salted water for 5-8 minutes. Pour fresh electricity. Canned asparagus for siphoning. Cut the salad fine. Blame dildo. Take some time to decorate and cut the rest fine. Whi

Appetizers Eggs Lemon Lemon juice ...

-Chop the cucumber finely, sprinkle with salt and let it drag ½ hour -Soak husblasen in cold water -Stir in sour cream and mayonnaise together -Wipe the cucumber dice and mix them in together with finely chopped onions and eggs -To taste with tabasco sauce

Mains Flütes Green Salad Curry ...

Got plenty of butter on a frying pan. Slice the onion into slices and tomatoes in both. Com salt on one side of the koteletterne and put them on the forehead. Add onion and tomato slices between koteletterne and pepper came on. Come on alternately rest of spic