Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Garlic (pressed)

Sauces Whipped cream Parsley (finely chopped) Salad oil ...

Stir garlic and onions in a pan with oil about 5 min. Add bacon, crushed broth cube, squash and hot water. When the water is evaporated add whipped cream. Remember to touch regularly. When the sauce is thick, the forehead is removed from the heat. Mix tortelli

Mains Oliemagarine Pepper Salt ...

Mix the minced pork, oatmeal, rasp, milk, olive oil, egg, salt and pepper, garlic, onions, curry in a bowl. Shape the dad like a big oval "frikadelle", brown the big "frikadelle" on a frying pan in the oil mill approx. 5 min. on every side. The large "frikadel

Salads Salt Lemon juice thereof Broccoli ...

Cut the broccoli into small bouquets and boil it in lightly salted water. Everyone has a taste for how long to cook the broccoli so cook it according to the taste you like. Pour the oil into a small bowl and add garlic, lemon juice and salt and stir it around

Mains Pepper Peeled tomatoes Oil ...

Bring some oil into a deep pan and season thyme, salt pepper and garlic card. Then put the meat in and sweat until golden. Add spinach (if frozen, just add more) and mix well. Finally add the peeled tomatoes and simmer approx. 15min. Then taste with salt and

Mains Potatoes Pepper Lemon (juice) ...

Mix together the yoghurt, tandoori paste, lemon juice, garlic, salt and pepper. The mixture must be neat red, otherwise add more tandoori paste. Bullet holes in the chicken fillets with a fork, and place them in the mixture. Let them like to pull a couple of

Mains Bouillon Fresh basil Pepper ...

MOS: potatoes are cooked until tender (cut them in cubes so it goes faster) mash them with electric beater came milk el. cream in, butter, season with salt and pepper, let it cool a little before you get eggs in (the Marsh can be made the day before) Father

Sides Aromat Liquid (purchased) barbeque Barbecue spice ...

the whole thing is mixed and poured into a bag. the meat in and it all pulls cold for at least an hour. so should the meat be ready for the grill

Mains Cajunkrydderi Pepper Salt ...

Cajunkrydrede chicken legs: cut some decent cuts across the thighs and rub them with the spices. While the thighs is layered, you can prepare the cucumber and dip. Preheat oven to 200 degrees. FRY thighs beautifully browned in a hot frying pan with oil. Set yo