Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Green and red bell peppers

Mains Cauliflower Broccoli China soy ...

You take a wok forward (I'll think of an ordinary pot can be used) you pour about 1-2 tablespoons of oil and while it's hot you peel a onion and cut it into pieces and put them in the oil and bring them a little and you will get the meat and when it has fried

Mains Watercress Fat for frying Flour ...

Turn the liver slices into salt and pepper mixed flour. Step them on both sides of the fat on the forehead. Take them off the forehead and keep them warm. Ko sliced ​​onions and shredded peppers on and let them sniff for a few minutes. Bring half of the bouill

Mains Pepper Salt Small corn on the COB ...

grovhakkes and fry onions in a vokgryde together with green pasta, under high heat. The meat cut into strips or cubes and sauté. When the meat is done, add carrot cubes and groftskåret peppers and possibly. small fine corn on the cob. under high heat add the c