Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Hill cherry tomatoes

Mains Honey Olive oil Pepper ...

Chop 1 onion and 4 cloves of garlic. Sprinkle and chop olives roughly. Mix all the ingredients of meatballs and shape the balls. Wash the potatoes and cut them in both. Half cut and cut into slices. Forge onion and potatoes in a dish and add olive oil, salt

Mains Coarse salt White pepper Clip green the rest from steaksne ...

Boil the pasta in plenty of lettuce water, add 1 tbsp. Oil. Let it drip into a sieve and swallow it off. Cut spring onions in thin rings, carrot in small cubes and celery in small pieces. Blancher 1 minute in boiled water. Let it swell. Mix oil, vinegar and mu

Snacks Tortillia chips Avocado Hill cherry tomatoes ...

The Philidelfia, Creme fraichen and the Miracle Wing blades together. Peppers, olives, cherry tomatoes and avocado are cut very nicely. Ingredients are added to each other on layers. 1st layer - The compilation of Phillidelfia, miracle vip, creme frai