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Recipes with Hybenmos

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Free the meat for seniors and fat. Stir a marinade of buttermilk, juniper berries, peppercorns, bay leaves, lemon juice and red wine. Lay the meat here and let it cover for 2-3 days (cool). Take the meat up. Thoroughly rub and rub with salt and pepper. B

Mains Pepper Parsley Juice from 1 lemon ...

Free the meat for seniors and fat. Stir a marinade of buttermilk, juniper berries, peppercorns, bay leaves, lemon juice and red wine. Place the meat in the marinade and leave it covered in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Take the meat up. Thoroughly rub and

Desserts (cold) Almonds Honey Apples ...

Peel the apples, share them in half. Boil them until tender in water, sweetened with honey. Put Apple halves with the curved side up on a plate. Tube rose hips bog with a little Apple water and broad Marsh over the apples. Chop the almonds and sprinkle them ov

Desserts (cold) Almonds Honey Hybenmos ...

Peel the pears, share them in half and remove the core houses out. Boil them until tender in water sweetened with honey. Put PEAR halves with the curved side up on a serving plate. Tube rose hips bog with a little bulb water and broad Marsh over the pears. Smu

Desserts (cold) Almonds Honey Hybenmos ...

Give the raspberry pure a short rehash of water sweetened with honey. Put raspberry pure on a platter. Tube rose hips bog with a little raspberry water and broad marsh of raspberry pure. Smut tonsils and cut them into strips. Sprinkle them over the dessert.