Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Iceberg lettuce head

Salads Oregano Pepper Salt ...

The pasta is boiled by specification and just before it is ready, the frozen corn can be thrown into the water to dry. The pasta is poured with enough water to cool completely (or cools separately). Cut the cucumber, tomatoes, peppers and onions in tern and

Salads Freshly ground pepper Coarsely chopped flat-leaf parsley Salt ...

The dressing must pull at least one hour. The cold salad leaves are rinsed, dried thoroughly and cut into strips. The salad is mixed and seasoned with salt and pepper. On top of it, tomatoes, cucumbers, pepper rings, onions, feta and olives are added. If th

Salads A little salt Iceberg lettuce head Vinaigre ...

The salad is rinsed, wiped and cut into fine strips blended with the thawed - uncooked - peas. Overlap with the coiled dressing and decorate with slices of jelly.

Sides Iceberg lettuce head Cider Dijon mustard ...

Brown the meat on a pan. (It should not be passed, only brunes.) Pour it into a bowl and pour the oil from the pan over, put the bowl in the refrigerator for cooling. Mix mustard, cider, honey, soy and oil in a bowl. Put the ready-mixed dressing in the refr

Salads Bread croutons Emmental cheese into cubes Watercress ...

Salad and watercress washed and picked in the appropriate pieces. Peberfrugten cut into cubes and chop chop. Mushrooms, cleaned, cut into thin slices and onto immediately with lemon juice so they do not become dark. The whole thing turned into a buy dressing

Soups Nutmeg Pepper Franskbrøds toasted croutons ...

Cut lettuce into strips. Melt the butter in a saucepan, came the salad and the finely chopped onion and sauté it herein, for 10 minutes. Came the broth and season with nutmeg, salt and pepper. Simmer, covered, for 30 minutes. Milk came in and warm it thr

Salads Pumpkin seeds Salt Cucumber ...

Grate the pumpkin seeds with a little fine salt on a dry pan to the "POPs". Cut the cucumber into cubes. Cut the icebergen out into strips Share wind ruerne in half, remove if necessary. cores. Rinse the green asparagus, hold a hand on each end of it and cr

Appetizers Lemon juice The inner leaves of frise salad Dill ...

Let hummeren thaw slowly in the refrigerator, it takes approx. 10 hours. See also the instructions on the packaging. Saffron sauce: Boil water and saffron in a small pot, for Saffron is dissolved. Cool the Saffron bed sheet. Stir the egg yolks well with sal