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Recipes with Meat

Mains Chicken stock Jævning Potatoes ...

Quail bones - you can buy quails where the hull is taken. Otherwise remove the upper thigh, scratch down the leg on both sides, push the meat back and cut the thigh off at the joint. Some different mushrooms are used, which are cooked on a pan. The wool

Mains Vinegar Seeds from a sour pomegranate Seeds from black grapes ...

Cut the meat into suitable pieces and put it in the pot, including water and salt. Cut some onions into small pieces. When the water boils, pour the onions together with dry coriander, pepper, ginger and finely ground cinnamon. If desired, walnuts can also be

Mains Meat ...

Place the steps in a large dish with the grease side down. Cover with parchment paper and step for 12 minutes at 100%. Pour off the grease and turn the steps. Step further 12-15 minutes at 100%. Place aluminum foil over the ladder and allow it to rest

Mains Pepper Salt Butter for frying ...

The meat is taken up by marinade and baked well in a steak in plenty of butter and then salt, pepper, broth and marinade added. Is sown. Stir slightly under the lid and the meat is occasionally turned and fry for approx. 1½ to 2 hours depending on the size of

Mains Pepper Breadcrumbs Salt ...

Potatoes peel and boil tenderly in unsalted water. The water is poured and the potatoes are whipped to mash with milk. The mash is seasoned with salt and pepper. Filling: Onions and carrots are cut into small cubes and swirled in a pan in the margarine /

Mains Pepper (drus little) Citric acid Onions in small cubes ...

Start with the filling. Mix the rice and tomato paste together in a bowl. Put on the onions in the. And pepper and lemon acid and finally the meat! Outside: the bulbs and the other things, there must be nothing inside of it alone! tips: Enjoy!

Mains Meat Processed cheese Tomato slice ...

Meat FRY on both sides. Joined tomato slice on and gratinér with processed cheese.

Soups Basil Bay leaf Rosemary ...

Cut the meat into cubes of approx. 2.5 cm. Brown the meat with the onion and garlic in butter or oil. When the meat is browned filled water into the Pan, and spices added. Let it simmer for an hour or until the meat is tender. Add the Bulguren and let it cook