Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Olievenolie

Bread, buns & biscuits Olievenolie Olive oil Salt ...

Bring the spoon into a bowl, pour the boiling water and leave it for approx. ½ hour. Add salt and olive oil and stir the yeast into that mixture. Add most of the flour and knead the rest of the flour gradually until the dough is smooth. Let the dough raise the

Salads Lemon juice Olievenolie Tomatoes or 5 bøftomater ...

Peel the cucumbers. Cut them into slices. Dip them with lemon juice. Arrow the bulbs and cut them in the rings. Cut possibly. The loops in half. Rinse the tomatoes. Cut them into both or slices. Mix the onions, tomato slices, cucumbers and olives in a bowl. Po

Mains Pasta and parmasan Pepper Salt ...

Sauter slipped into a pan and add tomatoes, garlic and simmer for 5 minutes. Chop the chopped olive oil and vinegar and cook to boil for 10 minutes with low heat. Cut the beef tenderloin into thin slices ½ cm. Brunes quickly in olive oil just before serving