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Recipes with Snack pepper

Sides Juice + grated to be from 2 eco-lemons Whole cumin seeds Peeled chopped tomatoes ...

Chili, snack pepper, onion and garlic chopped roughly and swirl in the oil in a saucepan. When the onions are ready add chopped tomatoes, tomato paste, vinegar, cumin powder and salt. Let the mixture stand and cook for at least 30 minutes. Chop it all with

Mains Lime or lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Chop onion and snack pepper fine. Chop spinach. Cut mushrooms in slices and tomatoes in quarters. Put onion and snack pepper in a little oil on the forehead. Add the mushroom slices and finally spinach. Turn down the heat and stir for a couple of minutes un

Appetizers Bacon cubes Pepper Salt ...

The chicken breasts are boiled in chicken fries or water and then cooled. Cut 1 snack pepper in fine tern. Pour the chopped chicken salad into a bowl, among the finely chopped snack pepper. Take the chilled chicken breasts and divide them (cut or split them

Salads Cucumber Beet root Snack pepper ...

Cut the cocktail sausages into three pieces and put them in a bowl. Cut the snack pepper and cucumber into small squares and put them in the bowl. Peel carrots and beetroot and tear both. Mix the salad in the bowl.

Salads Cucumber Mango Cooked chicken cubes ...

Cut all the vegetables into small tern and mix them with the chicken in a bowl.

Salads Sour cream 9% Skyr Feta cheese ...

Pepper chopped and pressed for moisture. Chicken chopped fine. Garlic presses- It all blends together.

Mains Fresh pasta (ribbon pasta) like spinach (so the there is green) Pepper Salt ...

First, the chicken fillets are roasted, they may. Cut into strips or tern first so this will go faster. When they are translucent and golden they are taken from the forehead and the bacon is thrown on. When the bacon has begun to become golden brown, the veget

Sides Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Gril 12 snack pepper and 4 eggplants in the oven at 245 degrees (or above normal gril) until the skin dissolves and turns black. Leave it in a paper bag for 10 minutes. Peel off and mash it to the desired consistency. Chop 1 onion and 3 cloves of garlic and s