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Recipes with Tender beef

Soups EVS. garlic and fresh herbs Garlic Aromatic vinegar ...

Mix the marinade, cut the meat into thin strips and mix it in the marinade. Let it pull while the soup is cooked. The potatoes are peeled and cut into smaller pieces, onions and possibly. Garlic peeled and chopped. The oil is heated in a saucepan. The potat

Mains Pepper Salt Paprika ...

Cut the meat into thin strips. Cut the spring bulbs into slices and the sponges in quarter pieces, and chop the white lacquer well. Whip all the stuff to the sauce together in a bowl. Season with salt and freshly ground pepper. Heat the wok up with 1 tbs

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme ...

Cut the meat into fine strips and wrap it on all sides in butter and oil in a saucepan. Put it in an ovenproof dish. Cut the vegetables into strips and season them a little at a time and put them over the meat in the dish. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Put th

Mains Freshly ground pepper Snaps Tender beef ...

Cut the flesh into Matchstick long strips, about 1 cm. thick. Let the butter is golden in the frying pan. Share the meat into 2 portions and FRY each portion separately in butter. Put all the meat back into the Pan and add the other ingredients. The Court

Mains Paprika Salt Butter for frying ...

Cut the meat into thin slices or ask the butcher to do it. Sprinkle salt and pepper over and put the cheese on the beams. The meat is rolled together and fastened with the rollers grill needles or toothpicks. Brown the butter in a pan and fry the rollers nicel