Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Whites

Desserts (cold) Icing sugar Vinegar Whites ...

Whip egg whites, vinegar, and half of sugar to staple foam. Turn the rest of the sugar into it and whip it all over again. Tear the marcipan in the marble and turn it quickly together. Lay the marengsen as a large mountain on a baking sheet with baking p

Desserts (warm) Milk Flour Butter ...

The milk is boiled with sugar. The butter is melted and whipped together with flour. Whip the milk together with the butter bowl and add the flowers one at a time until it seems cooled. Finally, turn the pinch whites in the dough and pour it into a greased for

Desserts (patisserie) Linsedej Eggs Whites ...

It all crumbled into a bowl and eventually it was easily kneaded. Then it is recommended in the refrigerator for at least one hour. The mass is then rolled out in 3mm thickness and protruded in round medals for approx. 3-3½ cm in diameter. Then sprinkle an edg

Desserts (cold) Butter Egg whites Egg yolks ...

Bottom: Chocolate and butter melt over hot water bath icing sugar and yolks whipped white Whites whipped stiff Chocolate/butter mixture turned over along with the whipped yolks and sugar and invert the finaly together with the whipped whites. Lubrication out

Desserts (cold) Ice cream Cream Butter ...

Melt butter and chocolate in a water bath. Beat the egg yolks and stir smooth. Add the flour and stir the mass down in temperature. Whip egg whites stiff and reversed in the mass. The mass is distributed in buttered moulds with sugar (we used cups as molds) ba