Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wildlife Fund

Mains A little brown sugar and some butter Pepper Salt ...

ravioli: Lay the flour in a bowl on the kitchen table and make a recess in the middle. Turn the eggs and egg yolks out into the groin one at a time and whip them a little with a fork for 1-2 minutes. Bring some of the flour into the egg yolks and knead it gra

Mains Balsamic vinegar Red wine Spring cabbage ...

Make the potatoes ready and cook the potatoes so they are ready for the main course The sauce: Bring "balsamic vinegar" on a hot forehead and let it boil a little. Add red wine and wild game. Let it boil a little. Season with salt, pepper and yellow until

Mains Flat-leaf parsley Garlic Chervil ...

The 4 bony quails are soigned, the knee is cut by the thigh and they are placed individually on a piece of greased foil. Wild birds meat chopped and run cool with a little salt on the blender, egg whites added, and then flow slowly afterwards. Season with salt

Mains The siede sky from the roast Brown sugar Hare (røvskudt by lars from ødum) ...

The hair is thawed in whole milk for a day and rinsed and all obstacles removed and polished. Back and clubs cut from the rest can be used for funds There is a base of 6 pieces. Bacon and hare pieces are laid on top. Chopped juniper berries on top of the hai

Mains Ben and hull from pheasants Freshly ground pepper Salt ...

Marinade: Chop the mustots and mix with olive oil, white wine, wine grains and freshly ground peppers in a small dish that can even hold the pineapples. Turn the pineapples into marinade and spread them in the dish so they are covered with marinade, cool fo

Mains Pepper Salt Dådyrryg 3 kg ...

1: The back is cleaned completely free of obstacles and unnecessary tendons. Cut the longest tabs to the bottom of the ribs. 2: The meat is rubbed with half of the crushed juniper berries, salt and pepper. 3: Parsley, mustots, red onion, leeks and celery ar

Mains Cream Icing sugar Light rum ...

Udben Club meeting. And fill it with chopped Sun-dried tomatoes and championer. Brown the meat in a frying pan. Cherries, grapes and orange cut up thrown into the pan. Rum poured over at will, approx. 1 dl, let Cook in and pour a few cups of red wine, and p

Mains Pepper Whipped cream Salt ...

Cut the wood-pigeons out, so that the breast is retained completely. The hulls are cooked that Fund. Breast pieces out in a large pan and Brown in a little butter. Sprinkle a little salt over like pigeons. Breast Strips placed in a heat-proof serving dish and