Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook
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Create a team

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4

Ingredients for Create a team

Tortillia chips
1Hill cherry tomatoes
1bagCheddar cheese
1dlCreme fraich
1glassKalmati olive
1glassMedium salsa

Instructions for Create a team

To prepare the Create a team recipe, please follow these instructions:

The Philidelfia, Creme fraichen and the Miracle Wing blades together.

Peppers, olives, cherry tomatoes and avocado are cut very nicely.

Ingredients are added to each other on layers.

1st layer - The compilation of Phillidelfia, miracle vip, creme fraich
2nd layer - salsa
3rd layer - Cheddar cheese
4th layer - pepper fruit
5th layer - cherry tomatoes
6th layer - olives
7th layer - avocado

Eat by dipping the triangle tortillia chips into the foliage with the stove first. Served immediately and possibly. With light beer or asti to.