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Hunter's chicken

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4 portion(s)

Ingredients for Hunter's chicken

Olive oil
1canPeeled tomatoes halvèrede
1Large chicken cut up
2Bay leaves
2twigsRosemary 4 sprigs of thyme and a small bunch of parsley all chopped coarsely
250gFresh mushroom swept and cleaned
3cloveGarlic chopped
4dlWhite wine

Instructions for Hunter's chicken

To prepare the Hunter's chicken recipe, please follow these instructions:

In a frying pan Brown the chicken pieces in olive oil, well on all sides. getting both kinds of onions into the dish mushroom, tomatoes, white wine and herbs, remember Laurel leaves, season with salt and pepper, boil gently, covered, approx. 35 min. remove the lid, put a little stronger heat on, and cook an additional 10 minutes so that the sauce should be cooked anything in, and the right is finished. In France where the right comes from, they would eat French fries to-I thought French sautè (roasted potato slices) would be more appropriate.