Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Medium parsnips

Mains Other spices as needed Grøntsagsbullion Kyllingebullion ...

First peel potatoes, carrots, onions and parsnips and cut into slices. The oil is poured into a pan where it is heated. When the oil is warm, the different spices are put in, to extract the flavor from them. Remember and stir in the pan. It does not matter th

Mains Pepper Salt Fresh thyme ...

Calculate 150-200 grams of meat per person, cut the flesh in ca. 3-4 cm. terns. Brown by excessive heat in a frying pan and spiced with freshly ground salt and pepper. Take the meat up. Now comes the vegetables you know and it is: 2 carved onions, 1 clove o