Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt (to taste)

Soups A fingertip Rosemary A good handful of pasta screws Meat and dumplings ...

First bake the bacon in a saucepan, cut the celery celery into slices and the onions are cut into the tern, then add the celery and loose, raise it for approx. 3 min. Under stirring. Add the peeled tomatoes to the pan and add a dumpling dice and 5 dl. Water bo

Salads Fine bulgur Finely chopped onion Lemon juice ...

Chop the parsley and Mint finely by hand, clean it and put it to drain. Washing bulguren and mix it with the chopped tomatoes, and let it stand for 20 min. chop the onions finely and mix the parsley, mint, tomatoes and onions in a bowl. Add lemon juice, olive