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Desserts (patisserie) recipes

Desserts (patisserie) Wheat flour Chocolate at least 60% Butter ...

Melt the butter, add the chocolate and let it cool a little. Whip the egg yolks with the sugar until it becomes bright in color. Mix the chocolate and the butter mixture in, then flour and finally the whipped egg whites, gently twisted with light hand. Bake o

Desserts (patisserie) Cake bottom number 2 (chocolate) Juice of half an orange (may be thrown out is not needed anymore) Must of 0.5 orange (the rest are stored, used later) ...

The oven turns on at 200 degrees. Procedure: THE 2 BUNNES SHOULD BE BACKED IN THE SAME FORM, WAITING THE OTHER IS FITTED. Start with cake bottom 1: Egg and sugar are whipped over boiling water bath to a thick mass. The dry ingredients are sifted together an

Desserts (patisserie) Almond essence Chopped dark chocolate Baking soda ...

Turn on your oven and set the temperature of 175 gr. C. Cover a frying pan with baking paper. Mix flour, cane sugar and baking soda. Cut your butter into the tern and let it crumble into the flour mixture. Add the egg yolks and stir them into the crumb.

Desserts (patisserie) Egg yolks (pasturiseret) Whipped cream Chocolate (dark) ...

The egg yolks are poured into a bowl and the sugar is stirred. At the same time, the chocolate must melt over a water bath. It does not matter that you melt a bit at a time. When a portion of chocolate is melted, mix it in the egg yolk mixture. Let the mixture

Desserts (patisserie) Cocoa powder Licorice powder Melted dark chocolate ...

Knead marcipan and licorice powder well together Roll the mass into small balls Melt the chocolate Mix cocoa powder and licorice powder in a deep dish, just about every part Deep balls in the melted chocolate Then place the balls in the cocoa / licorice m

Desserts (patisserie) Rum aftertaste, but otherwise just a twit Raspberry or Strawberry roulade Mazarin tart ...

Bring it all in a bowl and knead it together. If it becomes too dry, add a little more room. Romaness can also be used plainly. After all, roll balls on a size with a large hazelnut and then roll in coconut. tips: Taking small pieces of confection everyon

Desserts (patisserie) Chopped almonds Eggs Melted chocolate ...

Take the macipan in a saucepan with the sauce when it warms you form it as a horn and roll it into chopped almonds and put it on a baking sheet and into the oven at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes about taking them out and cooling them of. Melt the chocolate in

Desserts (patisserie) Finely grated shall from 1 ½ washed lemon Pandekagedej Vanilla rod ...

Pancake pie: Mix flour and sugar in a bowl and whip well between all the eggs. Whip the melted butter and finely grated ginger in the dough. Finally whip the milk and the pancake dough is ready for use. Step at least six thin pancakes on the forehead at high h