Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Baby spinach, fresh

Salads Red chili pepper Oil Baby spinach, fresh ...

Cook the pasta and let it drain away. Mix the oil with 3 TSP. tomato puree and turn it with the cooled pasta. Add the chicken strips, chili into small slices, sundried tomatoes in small pieces, feta cheese and small pieces of baby spinach. Serve with sou

Mains Pepper Salt Curry ...

2 chicken fillets into long, thin and drop slices. The discs are added so that they overlap a little over each other on a piece of mikrobølgeovns film (or staniol), to form a square. The 2 remaining fillets cut into smaller pieces and blended to a nice Dad's a

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Parsley, fresh ...

Wash and halve them. squashene Cut the flesh on the crossword and put squashen in a greased ovenproof dish. Stir in a marinade of soy, crushed ginger, pressed garlic and oil and brush the mixture onto the squashene. Set them in the oven at 200 degrees c. al