Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Cumin, whole

Soups Pepper Salt Cumin, whole ...

Chop chopped onions and garlic with chilli without the brining. Pumpkins and potatoes are cut into the tern and swirled with. Add the liquid, cumin and freshly ground pepper. Suppe simers for approx. ½ hour. Stav blend for a smooth consistency while adding

Mains Cinnamon stick Pepper Salt ...

The meat is divided into large terns that are well-groomed in olive oil. Onion and pepper fruit in coarse tern is added and brined with crushed garlic. When all is well browned add the other ingredients, except beans, pearls and mushrooms, boil on low heat

Cold cuts Salt Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Parsley, fresh ...

The chickpeas soaked for 24 hours and boil for approximately 1 hour in new water. The water should be changed a couple of time along the way. Blended with the other ingredients and water until the texture fits. Season to taste. Humus should have a co

Soups Cayenne pepper Chilli, crushed Pepper ...

Onion chopped finely and FRY in a dry pan. When they bite a bit on the bottom, add water. When the water is cooked away Sauté beef forcemeat with. The chopped tomatoes, Baked beans, milk, garlic and diced peppers poured by the meat/onions. That season wit

Mains Pepper Salt Dill, fresh ...

Chop onion, garlic and Dill rough. Mix all ingredients together, except the chopped tomatoes. Form meatballs and fry them in oil, (like a good olive oil). They need to fry! When they reversed the first time, pour the chopped tomatoes, meatballs and FRY f

Mains Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Salt Cumin, whole ...

Squashen cut into cubes, cabbage is split into small flower bouquets and the carrots cut into slices. Sauté the chopped onion and garlic in butter. Add the spices and then the remaining vegetables and broth. The Court let simmer for 20 minutes and add lemon

Mains Turmeric, ground Chilli, crushed Garam masala ...

Part b the cabbage in bouquets. Cut the potatoes into cubes. Heat oil and FRY cumin approximately one minute. Add the garlic and ginger, saute the fintsnittet. Add the potatoes and FRY. Add the turmeric and chilli powder and FRY again. Add the tomatoes

Mains Lemon, thereof Oregano, dried Cumin, whole ...

Arrow and squeeze the garlic into individual cloves, mix the olive oil with paprika, oregano, Rosemary and grated lemon peel. Rub it over lamb Club. Arrow the onion, cut it into cubes and put it in the roasting pan along with bay leaf, red wine and water. S