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Recipes with Peeled tomatoes

Midnight snacks Pepper Salt Peeled tomatoes ...

Cook the pasta and add the fried tomatoes. tips: Remember and eat it right away!

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Pudding the darkness of the toes and fat. Cut them slices about 3 cm. Bring the slices well, season them and place them in a deep ovenproof dish. Bring the fried tomatoes in the dish, but save the wings. Cut the sausages into pieces of about 5 cm and make a

Mains Tabasco Mushroom Peeled tomatoes ...

The ravioli is boiled and served in a refractory dish. The lid is chopped and switched into the pan. Then add to the pan fried tomatoes, hammer, mushroom and tabasco as desired. Grydens content poured over the ravioli in the refractory dish. Cooking cream i

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Meatballs Mix all the ingredients and style for half an hour. Form the dough with a spoonful of large round buns and sprinkle them golden in fat at low heat for a total of about 8 minutes. tomato Marinade Blend or purge the peeled tomatoes and half the liqu

Mains Rough Italian bread Hvedmel Olive oil ...

Take 500 beef and knead the same with 2 pressed garlic cloves, 2 whole eggs, 1 dl. Rasp, chopped parsley (as desired), dried thyme, salt and pepper. And knead it all together well. Roll the meatballs in about 4cm in diameter. Roll them in wheat flour and brown

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Pour the peppers and cut the green stem without destroying the peppers. Rinse them thoroughly so that all the cores come out. Season the meat with salt, pepper and peppers and fill the peppers with it. Lay them in a pan of boiled water (all peppers must be cov

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

Cut some slices in the tendon around the meat and sprinkle with flour, salt and pepper. Brown the meat on the forehead and put the pieces side by side in a large oven-proof dish or frying pan. Season the carved vegetables and spread them over the meat.

Sauces Pernod Alm. Onion Fennel ...

Fennel and onions are cut into thin strips. They are sautéed in a little oil with lots of freshly ground pepper Over low heat without taking color for about 15 minutes. Pernod added and boiled. Then add mixed peeled tomatoes and cook the sauce well. I