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Recipes with Squash

Cakes in form Eggs Salt Brown sugar ...

Turn on the oven at 180 degrees C. Nuts and chocolate chopped, the squash tears fine. Whip egg, dough and sugar into an airy foam with a hand-knife. Gently turn the rest of the ingredients into the eggshell. Pour the dough into a small frying pan (25 x 35

Mains Spices to taste Soy4you granules Boiullontern ...

The vegetables are torn or cut well. Swirl in oil or butter. Add tomato sauce, broth and spices as well as water. Let the simmer simmer for a few minutes. Add Soy4you and let it warm through. Add more water if necessary, season with spices. Add pasta to

Mains Pepper Breadcrumbs Salt ...

Bacon cut into small tern and almost cooked on the forehead. The squash is torn and roasted on the forehead until all the wetness is gone. Cooled off. Chopped meat is stirred with onion, squash-bacon mixture and spices, rasp added to the consistency is like

Mains Finely chopped garlic Lemon juice Olive oil ...

Cut squash into slices of 1cm thick Brush the squash slices with olive oil Warm grill or grill pan so it is very hot and grill the squash until they have a grill pattern on both sides. Put the grilled squash on a large dish Spoon oil, lemon juice, garlic,

Mains Feta Garlic pepper (or pepper) Oil ...

Cover a lightly-oiled pie or oven-proof dish with the 3 plates so they patch slightly over each other. Brush the edges with a teaspoonful egg. Mix the cream fraiche and pesto together and butter it on the butterdejs bottom. Peel squash with a carrot p

Mains Fresh herbs (parsley, chives, etc.) Pepper Salt ...

Salmon roll: Thin slices of smoked salmon are put on a piece of kitchen film. Cream cheese and crème frâiche are whipped together and seasoned with lemon juice, salt and pepper. The cream is lubricated on the salmon slices and rolled tightly, like to roulade.

Pickling Cauliflower Green beans Carrots ...

Cut the vegetables into small pieces and give a boil in water added salt. Rinse in cold water. Vinegar cooked with sugar. Maysmel, water, vinegar, turmeric, curry and mustard are stirred together. The leveling is poured into the vinegar and boiled for a few mi

Appetizers Cauliflower Green beans Carrots ...

Cut the vegetables into small pieces and give a boil in water added salt. Rinse in cold water. Vinegar cooked with sugar. Maysmel, water, vinegar, turmeric, curry and mustard are stirred together. The leveling is poured into the vinegar and boiled for a few mi