Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Dry white wine

Soups Freshly ground white pepper A little paprika powder Dry white wine ...

Porrer is washed and cut into pieces. Sauté in butter in a saucepan and the calf fund is boiled and boiled for 5 minutes. Blends fine. Pureen is mixed with wine. All of it is brought to a boil. Season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle the squash into balls and co

Soups Paprika Pepper Reef parmesanos ...

In a large pot, the butter is melted over medium heat. Add onion and sugar. Put on the lid and stir regularly for 30 minutes. Or until the bulbs are soft but not colored. Remove the lid and slightly heat the heat. Stir regularly until the onions are caramel-co

Soups A little salt Broth Garlic ...

Onions and peppers are finely chopped and chopped into the fat, the garlic crushed in salt and brought in, switched approx. 5 min. Without browning. Add the wine and broth, cook at low heat for 20 minutes. serving: Server with Flütes

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Cockles ...

Bring 5 l of boiled water into a large pan with 2 tablespoons of salt (full heat, low on). In the meantime, all the mussels must be flushed, all open thrown away. Onions and garlic pilles, loose halved and cut into thin rings, chopped chopped. The chiliies

Mains Pepper Salt Lovage ...

Pour oil and white wine into a pan, the extent of which corresponds to the meat. Bring rosemary, leaf peel, crushed garlic, pepper and salt and cook. Turn down so that the mixture just boils. Pour the meat approx. 5 min., And grill for a couple of minutes. On

Mains Freshly ground pepper Sea salt Chopped scallions ...

Turn the meat pieces into flour, seasoned with salt and pepper. Brown on both sides in a pan or on a pan. Remove the pieces of meat, place them in an ovenproof dish and pour the grease off. Add garlic and anchovies, pour wine and let it boil for a few

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon ...

Let the mackerel peel in lemon juice. Fill them with parsley. Put the mackerel in a dish and pour white wine at. Add salt and pepper and add some butterballs over. Place the dish with lid in the oven for 6 minutes at 100%. Turn the fish and step for anot

Mains Watercress A small glass of plum brandy (e.g. slivovitz) A little olive oil ...

Frikassé: The canterelles are swirled in butter with the finely chopped shallots. Add white wine, olive oil and boil through. Add chopped parsley and mix with butter. Season with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Compote: Half plums of butter in butter. Seasone