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Recipes with Yogurt

Bread, buns & biscuits Day 1 – fordej Day 2 – bread dough Syrup or honey (5 g) ...

Day 1: Yogurt/vand or Molkosan and water mixed together and the yeast is mixed in it. Add syrup/honey and then quinua flour. Fordejen allow to stand at room temperature overnight, however not exceeding 12 hours. Day 2: Next day stir salt, oil and the rest o

Bread, buns & biscuits (335 ml) white Potato flour Molasses (may be omitted) ...

Opblød rye in boiling water for 10 minutes. Leave to cool. Stir in potato flour and yeast, Dissolve salt in hvidtøl., yogurt and molasses in warm water pour it into. Add rye flour and wheat flour and knead the dough thoroughly. The dough will be something soli

Cakes Lemon Eggs Potato flour ...

Take sugar and lemon in a saucepan and let Cook until it becomes tacky. Flour, butter, eggs and yogurt mixed to a soft dough. Walnuts and almonds are chopped for stuffing. Portion the dough up to a 25-paragraph pieces are shaped into small pieces in e

Sides Baking soda Salt Chili pepper ...

Mix the two types of flour, thymolfrø, chili pepper, salt, baking soda and 11/4 cups ice water in a bowl and stir the mixture vigorously with a whisk until it is smooth. Whip then just as much of the remaining ice water in, so the dough will be thin as cream.

Sides Pepper Salt Cucumber ...

Abundant olive oil-at least 3/4 l-overheat in a saucepan. The cucumber peeled and chopped. The potatoes peeled and cut into slices together with zuchini, Aubergine and carrot. Remove frøstolen from peberfrugten and cut the meat into strips. Picking the cabbage

Sides Oil Turmeric Ground ginger ...

Boil the potatoes with the peel on for 10 minutes, drain and arrow the potatoes. Getting oil in a wok or frying pan, warm the oil up and FRY some potatoes at a time until they are golden brown, remove them with a slotted spoon and let them drain on fat suck

Salads Salt Prepared from grated cucumber Pressure or grated garlic ...

Spoon the yoghurt on a coffee filter and let it stand and drip in my 2 hours of it has a thick consistency Tube cucumber garlic and season with salt

Mains Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Drizzle lemon juice on fish fillets and let them stand cold, while the rest are prepared. Cut packed in quite small cubes and grate them on the forehead. Take them up with a slotted spoon. Brown the coarsely chopped onions in the fat. Season the fish fil