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Recipes with Acacia honey

Mains A few splashes tabasco to taste Acacia honey Red wine vinegar ...

If there is much fat on spareribsene you can cut a little of the fat. Put the meat in the boiling salted water and let them simmer for 45-60 minutes. The legs cool ½-1 hour in boiling water before they are taken up and place on paper towel and blot dry.

Cakes Eggs Egg yolk Icing sugar ...

Crumble the butter with the flour, add the flormlis and collect the dough with egg yolk. Let the dough rest for 30 minutes. Tube marzipan with icing sugar, butter and eggs. Top: chop the hazelnuts coarsely and mix them with græskkarkerner, butter, sugar, aca

Mains Pepper Salt Acacia honey ...

All vegetables are peeled, washed and cut into large cubes. Be in a heat-proof platter and season with salt and pepper. Honey, balsamic vinegar, olive oil and sunflower seeds are added and it's all mixed well. Put in oven at 180 degrees c. alm. oven for about

Breakfast & brunch Hazelnuts Almond flakes Raisins ...

Mix Oatmeal, nuts, raisins and figs with honey and pour it into a heat-proof platter. Behind the mixture in the middle of the oven. CA. 20 minutes at 180 degrees. Turn the guest along the way, so the whole thing will be baked. Let cool and store it in a guest

Mains Freshly ground black pepper Sea salt Chopped red onion ...

Fat lining cut from swine jaws and the kogers in five district, allow to cool and place in marinade at least a half an hour and would like a 24-hour period. Pig JAWS grilled and brushed with more marinade under way when they turned over on the grill.

Sides Acacia honey Small red chilli finely chopped, or to taste Grated organic lemon peel ...

Can be created in 2 ways: 1) All ingredients are mixed, and salsa be eaten right away. 2) All ingredients except citromelissen mix. Let Salsa pull in 1-2 hours. SI væden from, boil it, and let it cool down before it is poured over the salsa again. It gives an

Sides Acacia honey Beetroot Thyme ...

Peel Them, cut them into boats, butter baking pan, put beetroot in it, honey and thyme came over also, mix it together! Behind them ca by a 170 degrees for 45 minutes. When they are finished they are taken out and mix with clementines and served!

Sides Anise Acacia honey White wine ...

Boil the wine and water up with honey and aniseed. Peel them, cut them into strips and cook them in the bed sheet in ca. 8-10 min. until they are "al dente"