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Recipes with Tarragon

Salads Freshly grated Parmesan cheese Salt Tarragon ...

Cook the pasta in plenty of water with added salt and 1 tablespoon oil in accordance with the instructions on the package. Arrow and chop the onion and sauté a few minutes in the butter in a saucepan. Add the shrimp and minced tarragon and let it småstege in 2

Salads Tarragon Chervil Viniagrette ...

Mix celery, Endive and beet root (it all juliennestrimlet) with the dressing and let it soak for an hour. Mix then ham, mushrooms (fried in strips) and apples (finely shredded), add mayonnaise and pour the salad in a clean Bowl. Put alternately potato slices a

Salads Basil Tarragon Chervil ...

The beans are mixed in a salad bowl with the chopped anchovies, onion rings, beetroot slices and herbs. Lettuce, pepper, oil and vinegar offered for serving.

Salads Tarragon Chervil Butter ...

Udvand herrings thoroughly in three hours. Place them so in milk for an hour. Cook kartoflerene. Chop the onions and sauté them in butter. Let them drain on kitchen paper. Julesalaten trim and cut it into strips. Pat herring dry sausage, and cut it into pieces

Salads Pepper Salt Spring onions ...

Fish Boning and onto with lemon juice and cut into strips. Laurel leaf plug in. Wine boils up with onion and 1 teaspoon salt. In this steamed fiste strips at low heat in 3-5 minutes. The fish is taken up and made for cooling. The tomatoes skinned and split int

Salads Lemon juice Salt Black pepper ...

Cut lettuce into strips and joined them in a salad bowl or on 4 small plates. Peel the cucumber and cut it into thin slices. Rinse and clean the leek and cut it into very thin strips. Put the cucumber and Leek on top of the salad. Peel avocados and cut them in

Sides Pepper Salt Sour cream 18% ...

Pipe mayonnaisen along with the sour cream. Season with lemon juice, mustard, tarragon, chervil, salt and pepper. Mix the grated onion in conjunction with pickles, capers and pickled asie. Served with fried fish cakes, roast beef and much more.

Lunch Tarragon Minced parsley Chervil ...

The finely chopped herbs stirred together with herring. Season and garnish with extra herbs.