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Recipes with Avocados

Mains Chili Salt Dried Basil ...

Make pasta of 2-3 carrots with spiral cutters, or tear them on a grater. sauce: Blend until it's a nice light green sauce. tips:

Mains Onion rings Salad Taco sauce-mild ...

Sweat whipped in the fat. Add Taco Sauce and cook for 2 minutes. Add the prawns and let it all get warmed. Blend the avocados in the food processor and add the guacamole spice mix and possibly. sour cream. Warm the shells according to the instructions on the p

Mains Sour cream Guacamole mix Grated cheese ...

Prepare the meat according to the instructions on the Taco Spice Simix bag. Boil the rice. Sweat the wok vegetables into the butter. Mash the avocados and stir the guacamole mix. Distribute all the filling in the hot tortillas. Fold the tortillas following the

Cakes in form Apple peeled and diced Guacamole mix Lime fruit juice ...

Crush / crumble rye bread and tortilla chips in a mixer. Add butter and mix well. Push the mass into a spring shape (24 cm in diameter) and style the dough in the refrigerator. Melt the house over a water bath. Mix avocado, guacamolemix, apples, cheese, cre

Mains Lemon juice Freshly ground black pepper Salt ...

Arrow went and chop it fine. Remove the kernels from the pepper, wash it, dip it dry and cut it into small tern. Put both pieces in a 1 tbsp. Warm oil until they are tender. Heat the oven up to 200C. Squeeze the sausage frog out of the skin and mix it wi

Soups Finhakket lemon peel Ginger Avocados ...

Juice the oranges, chop the ginger fine. Blend the juice with the other ingredients. Add if necessary. More orange juice if the texture is too thick.

Mains Anise Fennel seeds Garlic ...

Moss the dark green leaves with avocado, garlic, ginger and almonds until it is soft but still pieces. Peel the cinnamon so you only use the top, soft green piece. Cut the spring bulbs into thin pieces. Spoon a spoonful of mixture on a cabbage leaf, add bean s

Sides Or 1/2 medium hot chili without seeds Garlic Avocados ...

Chop the garlic and chili fine, mash the avocados with a fork in a deep plate until it's big. Add the finely chopped tomatoes and mix. Can also be made in food processor. tips: Fruity: Add a banana. manly: Avoid the tomatoes and add the casserole or s