Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Cucumber

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Gingerbread and bacon cut into cubes, broccoli split into pieces, cut the cucumber into small thin spells, cut the peppers into thin strips, cut the tomatoes in both and the radishes in thin slices. The machine vames up until it is very hot, add oil. The brocc

Salads Pepper 1/2 juice of lemon Salt ...

The rabbit is boiled in salted water, add a little basil. Cut the vegetables into small pieces and mix them in a salad bowl with the uncluttered rabbit. Mix the dressing and pour it over the salad.

Appetizers Wheat flour editted the texture of the dough Cucumber Lukewarm water ...

Timbale: Half of the chicken meat is chopped in meatballs, the other half cut into small cubes. The meat is stirred with salt, chopped mushrooms and grated carrot. The other ingredients come in and it is easily stirred together with wooden life. The batter is

Mains EVS. little red chilli Fresh dill A little white wine vinegar ...

Kalkunschnitzlerne goes after, obstacles and tendons are removed. Step them golden with moderate heat in olive oil. They must have approx. 15 minutes in total, depending on thickness. Sprinkle the apricots and chop them roughly. Also chop the chopsticks and

Mains Lemon juice Fresh basil White wine vinegar ...

Bank the two kalkunschnitzler thin with a meat hammer and share if necessary. The pieces along. Roll each piece of meat together about a small bar of feta cheese, a few leaves of basil and a little grated lemon peel. Keep them together with a pinch or a toothp

Mains Chili salsa Pepper Chives ...

Cut 4 of the lemon. Add 4 tablespoons of lemon juice of the rest of the lemon. Cut the cucumber and tomato into small tern and cauliflower in very small bouquets. Clean the chili for stalk, kernels and middle walls and chop it nicely. Mix cucumber, tomato,

Salads Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Cheasy A38 poured into a cloth and drain 2-3 hours. The cucumber is ripped, sprinkle with salt and stand for about a quarter. Then rinse it and all the heat is twisted. The now-fixed yogurt mix with quark, garlic, some oil, peppers, mint, salt And pepper and c

Salads Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

The yogurt is poured into a cloth and drained 2-3 hours. The cucumber is ripped, sprinkle with salt and stand for about a quarter. Then rinse it and all the heat is twisted. The now ground yoghurt is mixed with garlic, a little oil, peppers, mint, salt and pep