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Recipes with Kiwis

Various Mango after ' needs ' Juice from one orange or lemon Black currant juice (preferably organic) ...

To start with, of course, be cut by Kiwis to Peal. Then cut the out into smaller pieces. Kiwis immerse in 4 glass. After the nuts are coarsely chopped for there after getting on the Kiwis. Mango cut fine out there after must and will be sprinkled out over. Bla

Desserts (cold) Cream for whipped cream Vamilieis Chocolate (dark or light after own taste) ...

Get started by taking a slice of cake bottom and put a layer of ice (about 1 cm thickness). Slice Kiwi into thin slices and lay it on top of the ice. Put another slice of cake bottom and yet another layer of ice (still ca. 1 cm thickness), upstairs added these

Breakfast & brunch Liquid honey Small bunch stenfri grapes Mango moisture ...

Cut the different fruits into small pieces, mix on advantage them in 6 glass. Pour a little unit. elderflower juice over and let them soak a little. Advantage of yogurt and Granola crunch then mixed with almonds and nuts on top. Dripping eventually each glass

Desserts (cold) Cream or cream Apples Bananas ...

Slice apples and bananas and Kiwis in slices and put it up in a bowl. Whip cream or take the cream. Mix the ... Eat ... :-)

Desserts (patisserie) Apples Alm. Pie bottoms Macaroons ...

Cook a good dose of Apple mush (sweetened with oatmeal or sweetener). Mix a 1/3 of weeds with the juice from the Apple passionfrugterne, which together with crushed macaroons; Ford elles on the first layer of the cake. Mix then 2. share the porridge with bæren