Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Oil

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Grease the steaks with oil, mustard and chopped sage leaves and marinate them for 4 hours. Step them 3-4 minutes on each side, they may be pink inside and season with salt and pepper. Boil your brow with a little water and cognac. Add cream and let it boil.

Mains Anchovies Mushroom in thin slices Gorgonzola ...

Dough: The yeast is stirred in the water. Add salt, oil and flour and knead well through the dough. Set for raising a tight spot, approx. 30 minutes. Tomato Sauce: Tomatoes and onions are mixed. Then add approx. 10-15 minutes in a pan and add to oregano a

Mains Pepper Salt Orange juice thereof ...

Pot Court: Brown the meat in butter and oil in a saucepan. Add chopped onions and let them turn golden. Add 1 dl of water and then simmer the dish for 1 1/4 hour with frequent stirring. Put in a small bowl of yeast, maizena and paprika and pour into the pan w

Bread, buns & biscuits Oil Salt Squash ...

The yeast is stirred in lukewarm water. Add salt, oil, grated squash and oatmeal. Add wheat flour, but hold it back as it varies how much flour the dough can take. The dough is kneaded well until it is smooth and smooth. Raises on the kitchen table for approx.

Mains Chicken stock Jævning Potatoes ...

Quail bones - you can buy quails where the hull is taken. Otherwise remove the upper thigh, scratch down the leg on both sides, push the meat back and cut the thigh off at the joint. Some different mushrooms are used, which are cooked on a pan. The wool

Mains Pepper Salt Large leek ...

The quails are boneless (not the thighs), browned at very high heat, seasoned with S + P. The legs are browned in a saucepan, seasoned and the water added, simmer for approx. ½ hour. The fund is used for the cloud. The canterelles are halved and divided into 1

Mains Handful mixed parsley and Sage Wheat flour for Breading of schnitzel A little lemon juice ...

Farsert quail: Bake the quails, put a stick of raw foie gras in the quail, together with chopped mustard and a spice of herbs. The guard is packed together to look like a whole quail and packed into the fat net. Persian pears: The porridge is cut into 5 c

Mains Parchment paper or wax paper Salt Tarragon or flat-leaf parsley ...

Wipe the quails well and put two wooden spoons or griddles through the wings and thighs, respectively, to hold them in to the body. Stir oil, honey and soy together and brush it on the quails. Step them on the grill or in the oven at high temperature approx. 1