Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pressed garlic

Mains Curry Pepper Salt ...

Cook the rice according to instructions on package. Brown kødstrimlerne in oil and sprinkle with curry powder, salt and pepper. Roast the peppers with a few min. and got it all in a saucepan. Add the other ingredients and let the right småsimre 5-10 min. seaso

Mains Freshly ground black pepper Freshly grated parmesan at serving Salt ...

Boil the potatoes until tender, steam them and mash them fine. Let them cool in a bowl or on a platter. then add the flour, parmesan, butter, salt and pepper. Pipe the dough together and take it out on a floured board and knead it together, but not for long.

Mains Broke or loose rice Finely chopped ginger (about 2 cm.) Fresh coriander ...

Pat the meat dry. Heat the oil in the Pan and Brown the meat on both sides quickly. Season with salt and pepper. Reduce the heat, and drizzle honey over. Roast the meat at low heat for 4 minutes on each side. Pull them off and keep them warm under aluminium fo

Mains Water Grated ginger root Salt ...

The beans are soaked in water overnight. Bring the beans to a boil in water. Put the lid on and let them simmer 1 hour, or until tender. Afdryppes. Heat the oil in a large pan and saute the onion, garlic, ginger and chilli, the onion is soft. Add beans,

Mains Green Salad Slices of good bread Small pillekartofler ...

Squashene cut 2/3 through in thin slices (like for Hazel back potatoes) Oil, garlic and Basil stirred together and shall be distributed between the discs in squashene, which bake in the middle of a hot oven 200 degrees for about 30 minutes.

Mains Pepper Salt Finely chopped fresh chili ...

Brown the meat in oil, add the onion, ginger and garlic to it eventually becomes crystal clear in color. Add the other ingredients and let the right simmer 25-30 minutes. Season to taste.

Appetizers A little garlic powder Dried thyme Soy sauce ...

Put the peeled shrimp in a bowl. In another bowl mix the other ingredients. Pour this marinade over the shrimp. Make sure all the shrimp will be covered by the marinade. Tire Bowl and set it in the refrigerator overnight (up to 24 hours). For the sauce, mix

Mains Carry Tarragon Garlic baguette ...

Cook pasta as directed on package. Brown the meat in a pot, and put onion in. Add all the other ingredients while stirring. Let it all simmer at medium heat in my 15-20 with lid tilted. Season with krydderiger. Serve with pasta/rice and with garlic baguett