Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Together the beaten egg

Mains Vegetable oil for deep frying Together the beaten egg Chopped fresh pork ...

Mix all ingredients except bread and oil well in a bowl. Butter shrimp mixture in an even layer of bread slices all the way to the edge and cut into quarter slices. Heat the oil in a wok. When a bread slice bruner at 40 seconds, the oil is ready. Deep fa

Desserts (warm) Oil Breadcrumbs Toasted bread ...

Calculate a triangle camenbert per person. Turn them in beaten egg and then in bread crumbs. Deep fat fry them in very hot oil, until golden all over the place. Take them up with a skimmer and let them drain on paper towel. You can fry them gently in butter or

Desserts (warm) Olive oil Salt Together the beaten egg ...

Mix rice flour, sugar, salt and coconut flakes in a bowl. Make a recess in the middle. Add the eggs. Stir in a little coconut milk in little by little to the mass will be a steady batter. Heat the Pan up by even heat. Advantage a little oil on it. Pour off

Bread, buns & biscuits Maple syrup Water Sour cream ...

Buttermilk and crème frâiche lunes to about 25 degrees C, and the yeast is mixed in it. This is run in conjunction with rye flour, maple syrup, walnuts and salt. The dough is kneaded together with wheat flour and stir/oil. The dough is increased to approximate

Appetizers A little wheat flour for Breading Oil for dybstegning Pepper ...

Remove any bones from the fish and cut it into small pieces. Blend the fish to a paste with potato flour and coconut milk, which add little by little. Tube fiskefarsen with salt, pepper, chopped cilantro, garlic and eggs. Make sure that everything is well b

Appetizers Fresh coriander leaves chopped (for garnish) Oil for dybstegning (deep frying) Pepper ...

Pipe a father's of shrimp, garlic, ginger, onion, eggs, salt, pepper and maizenamel. Place in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. Cut fluten for about 1/2 cm thick slices and butter a thick layer of shrimp sausage meat on one side. Dip this page carefull

Salads Wheat flour Oil for frying Pepper ...

Cut the salad into four parts and turn it first in egg and flour and then in breadcrumbs. Warm oil in a large pan and fry the salad until it is golden. Put the salad in fatty sucking paper and sprinkle with salt. Mix the hazelnuts with parmesan, olive oi

Lunch A little more together beaten egg to "lime" with Olive oil for frying Pepper ...

The dough: Stir the yeast into the water, add sugar, salt and oil. Stir the flour in gradually and knead into the dough is smooth and supple. Style it to uplift (double size) 1-2 hours in a warm place. Filling: blanch the dandelion leaves in salted water fo