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Recipes with Vaniliesukker

Desserts (cold) Baking soda Vaniliesukker Wheat flour ...

Egg and sugar are whipped together, add the melted margarine, flour, vanilla sugar and baking soda. All of it is stirred for a thin dough. The apples are finally stirred with no scraps. The dough poured into a mold and sprinkle with cinnamon baked in the oven

Breakfast & brunch Vaniliesukker Palmin Margarine ...

The eggs, sugar and vanilla sugar whipped well together. Margarine, Palmin and Cocoa melt well and cool. It all blends well.

Breakfast & brunch Banana Milk Vaniliesukker ...

Mash the banana to mash and put it in a bowl, put the vanilla sugar into the bowl and stir. Add the yogurt until it is light pink. (Add more or less if the quantity does not fit). Bring the milk in and serve in high glass with a straw. (More sugar may be ad

Cakes in form Vaniliesukker Milk Dark chocolate ...

Whip the eggs with sugar and vanilla sugar. Melt the butter and add the milk. Pour it into the eggs and pour flour and baking soda into the mash bananas and stir them in the dough. Chop nuts and nut chocolate and mix well with dough. Bring it all in a greas

Cakes in form Apple Eggs Milk ...

Blend it all together with a blender / food processor. And turn the oven on at 175 degrees tips: Is also super delicious with a little nuttela to. And great for a children's birthday. And if there is a ghost evening, you may get some blue fruit color in th

Cakes Bicarbonate of soda Vaniliesukker Baking soda ...

Dry and wet things are separated into each dish and afterwards it is mixed together. Baked for approx. 40 min. At 200 degrees.

Various Sugar Bicarbonate of soda Vaniliesukker ...

All of it just needs to be brought together and baked on the forehead in small bumps. Size according to your wish. tips: It is served with sugar on, the syrup is super good.

Cakes Cacao powder Icing sugar Desiccated coconut ...

Whisk eggs, sugar and vaniliesukker. Melt the butter. Mix wheat flour, desiccated coconut and baking soda together and turn it into egg mixture alternately with butter. Mash bananas with a fork in a deep dish and turn them into dajen along with the chocolate.