Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Chopped onion

Mains Chopped dill Oil Chopped hazelnuts ...

The nuts are shaken on a dry forehead and then set aside. The peppers are cut through the long joints and the kernels are removed. Onion, garlic and fennel sweat in a little oil for a few minutes. Mix the mixture into a bowl and cool slightly. Nuts, dill,

Appetizers Wheat flour Concentrated tomato puree Cheese ...

Pancakes: Mix flour with egg and beer and add butter And finally the milk. Bake on a hot forehead without the need for grease. Filling: A rather thick sauce is made of chopped onions and an apple cut into cubes is swirled in a little fat, when golden, curr

Appetizers Eggs Dill Chopped onion ...

Cut the herring fillets in bites. The frozen blueberries are boiled tenderly in a little water. Pour sugar into and taste for (They must be pretty sweet). Let the blueberry layer cool off. Mix the herring pieces in the layer together with finely chopped onion.

Mains FAT to Browning Suit Pepper ...

Brown the chops on a forehead in a little fat. Put them in an ovenproof dish. Season with salt and pepper. Then brown the mushroom, bacon and onions on the forehead add oregano, broth and cream. Add the color and smooth the sauce with sauce jams. Season with s

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped onion ...

Add onion and meat to a saucepan, add spices, tomato paste and water, simmer for 1/2 hour under lid. Then it is poured into the cream, pour it into a refractory dish and sprinkle the seasoned mushrooms on top, finishing the sprinkling of rasp on top. Then in

Bread, buns & biscuits Torn between the stored cheese Salt Chopped onion ...

Dough: The water is poured into a bowl. The yeast dissolves in the water. Eggs, oil, salt and grahamsmel are stirred in. Wheat flour was kneaded for a little while the dough is not glued anymore. The dough raises about ½ hour. Filling: Spinach is rins

Mains Chopped fresh herbs e.g. Basil Naanbrød or flutes Oil for frying ...

Cut the chicken meat into the 2 cm tern. The suite slipped into a few tablespoons of full oil. Add the chicken meat and let it fry for a few minutes. Pour the whole glass of Tikka Masala sauce over and simmer for 20 minutes. Turn the tomatoes in. Indicate

Lunch Oil Small tortillas Salsa ...

Mix all ingredients up to tortillas. Put the 2 tablespoons mixture on each tortilla and roll it up, safely with toothpicks. In frying pan, heat 3/4 inch oil to 350 degrees. Stir them in portions until golden, 1 to 2 minutes per side. Served with limes.