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Recipes with Fresh Sage

Mains Milk or buttermilk Juice of 1 lemon Salt ...

Cut the meat for 3-4 cm. Big cubes. Half the kidneys long, remove the fat and urethra and put the kidneys in milk or buttermilk. Rinse the spice leaves and chop them nicely. Stir the lemon juice well with the oil, add the chopped herbs and season with salt

Mains Pepper Salt Whipped cream ...

Remove the skin and excess fat from the kidneys and rinse them well. Put them in a bowl, pour them with the buttermilk and let them drain for 2-3 hours. Then they are picked up and dried thoroughly in kitchen paper. Heat the butter on a frying pan and rais

Mains Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Bring broth, olive oil and sage leaves to the boil, add the turkey sauce and simmer the heat. Let the meat boil for 10 minutes under the lid. Pour the tuna from the tuna and blend it with anchovies and 2 tablespoons of the egg yolk. Add mayonnaise and taste wi

Mains Fresh bread Fresh Sage Pepper ...

Meat, bacon, apples and onions are cut roughly and thrown in a pot of cranberries, sage and beer. Allow it to boil, turn down the flask and simmer under the lid for 6-7 hours until the meat "thins" Everything is well-rounded and served with delicious bread.

Mains Pepper Salt Fresh basil ...

The tip is fluttered with a sharp knife, it still has to hang on one side, so it will be a big piece that can now be rolled together. Spread the meat and chop the chopped parsley, chopped basil, chopped sage, garlic salt and pepper over the meat and roll th

Mains Fresh Sage Freshly ground pepper Salt ...

Cut the meat into 10 thin slices and knock it lightly with the palm of the hand. Sprinkle the slices with salt, pepper and freshly prepared parmesan cheese and put on a few sage leaves. Put a slice of parma ham on each piece of meat and stick it with meat need

Mains Coarse dijon mustard Wooden cocktail sticks Water ...

Start with the onion compote: Cut the pinned red onions into thin slices and boil them by not too strong heat approx. 25 minutes in blackberry juice added water. There is no pot on the pot! Stir the vinegar in when the onions are tender and the liquid is almo

Mains Flake salt Freshly ground pepper Minced parsley ...

Peel and boil potatoes. Boil the spring bulbs with the last minute of cooking time. Divide each chicken breast across the flat joint, so you have eight thin flat fillets. Also share each slice of parma ham in 2, so you have 8 pieces. Place 2 leaves of sage