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Recipes with Crushed garlic

Mains Pepper Rosemary Thyme ...

Stir all the ingredients of the father together. Let the feta be lightly mashed into the daddy. Leave the dough cool for 20 minutes. Roll the batter into a large piece, put the dad like a loaf of bread and pack it in. Close the joint with egg white and turn

Sides Crushed garlic Oil Herbs, URf.eks. parsley and thyme ...

Season the onions in oil. Add rice and season them. Add broth, salt, pepper and spices. Let the rice cook over low for approx. 15 min. Until they are tender.

Mains Yogurt Green chillies, finely chopped Mint, minced ...

Mix all the ingredients of the dad and season with salt and pepper. Leave it if possible. Draw ½ hour before it is formed into sausages around the spears. Grill the spikes in the oven for 3-4 minutes on each side. Cucumber: Mix all the ingredients together

Salads Basil Pepper Salt ...

Soak 250 g. Of white beans in water overnight. Pour the water and cook the beans tenderly with salted water for about 45 minutes. Pour the water and let the beans get cold. Mix the beans with 3-4 tomatoes in both, 1 lettuce in rings and 20-25 olives. Sti

Mains Fresh chopped parsley Pepper Salt ...

Boil 2 dl. Natural rice in 5 dl. Water added salt about 35 minutes. Peel 1 parsnip and 3 carrots and divide into smaller pieces. Cut 3 stems of blemish in strips. Pil 1-2 red onion and portion in both. Season the vegetables in 2 tablespoons. Oil, season with s

Cold cuts Oregano Pepper Salt ...

Mix 500 g. Minced pork with 200 g. Minced veal or chicken liver. Stir 2 eggs in one at a time. Stir 1-1½ dl. Cream in. Season with salt, pepper 1 fat crushed garlic and oregano. Add 3-4 tbsp. Chopped parsley and 15-20 green olives divided into half. Let it go

Mains Salt Chili powder Lemon juice ...

The ingredients for marinade are whipped together. The chickens mariners 2-3 hours in the fridge .. The chops are pressed dry and then cooked for 5-6 minutes on each side. Let the chopsticks draw 10 min below the serving roll before serving. Wash red bee

Mains EVS. 5 cloves Pepper Salt ...

The marinade is whipped together with oil, lime juice, finely chopped chilli and garlic in a large bowl. The marinade is seasoned with salt and pepper. Oil and butter are browned on a forehead, possibly. With spices Add the meat, season with salt and pepp