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Recipes with Cognac

Mains Flütes Pepper Cognac ...

The chicken is divided into 6-8 pieces. The batter is cut into small cubes, swirled well in a saucepan and taken up. The chicken pieces are browned in the melted fat, the fat is poured off. Cognac poured over the chicken and ignites (remember to turn off the h

Mains Pepper Salt Egg yolk ...

Rub the chops with pepper. Mix flour and salt on a plate. Whip egg yolk on another plate. Lay the almonds on a third. First flatter the chops in flour, then in eggs and finally in the almonds. Step 5 min each side in butter on a pan. Put the chops in a deep d

Mains Cognac Paprika Pepper ...

The chops are wiped and seasoned with salt pepper and peppers. The loaf is peeled and chopped well, pepper fruit is free for ribs and grains, and chopped half-grafted. The chops are browned in plenty of butter on both sides and taken aside. The onions

Mains Roughly chopped parsley or thyme Cream Thyme ...

Rinse the rabbit and dry it well. Cut it into pieces. Cut the corn of the pork and cut it into thin strips. Pour onions and rinse mushrooms and cut them into slices. Brown the butter on the forehead, put on the canines and let them have a nice color. Pour the

Appetizers White pepper (Mill) Salt Oil ...

Turkey: The turkey breast is chopped for seniors divided into 4 slices, taped thinly between 2 pieces of plastic (bag). The limescale must be so large that it can get around the finished "bomb". The excess turkey meat is cut and used for the farmer. The shapes

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

The bean roast is rubbed inside and outside with salt and pepper, after which the mushrooms are fed into the chicken. The chicken is sewn and tied into a pot of butter and oil. Then take it up, put on a dish, poured into cognac and ignite (by such a "flamingo"

Appetizers Freshly ground pepper Extra virgin olive oil Mustard (preferably dijon) ...

Take the stones out of 100 g of black olives. Shake the olive meat in a mortar with 100 g capers and a teaspoon of mustard. When the bog has become a regular mass, add 1 dl olive oil, 2 cl cognac and plenty of freshly ground pepper. The mass is well mixed toge

Mains Juice from 1 lime Baking potatoes Cognac ...

The beef boiled quickly on a crispy grill so that the juice and the power are left in the flesh. Only when the meat is fried, it is seasoned with sea salt and black Lampong pepper. In addition, a spice sauce is served, which you can prepare in advance and p