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Recipes with Bay leaf

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Allspice ...

Cut the calves into smaller pieces and cut the vegetables. Heat oil and butter in a pan and brown tails. Add the vegetables, a little salt, pepper and broth. Let it simmer under the lid for 2-2½ hours until the meat is tender. Remove the meat, terminate

Mains A little parsley Nykogte you Salt ...

Bring the water to a boil with a little salt and bay leaf. Bring the meat and foam froth until it starts to boil again. Turn down. Let the meat boil softly under the lid for 45 minutes. Keep the meat warm in the soup. Cut the onions in thin boats. Cut the a

Mains A little grated horseradish Residues from vegetables Good olive oil ...

Poultry: Cook carefully under low 1 hour. Garnish: The white beans are soaked in water the day before. Onions, onions, fennel and celeriac are cut into the size of a small sugar kernel. Residues from herbs as well as all ingredients for chickpeas, boil and

Mains Pepper Salt Bay leaf ...

The club is rubbed with salt and pepper. Brunes in the pan with the bacon slices. Water / fond is added with carrots, bay leaves, chopped onions and peppers. Småkoger under low approx. 90 min. The meat is changed regularly and the red wine is added to the fina

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon peel ...

Rub the diced top with salt and pepper. Bind the bacon discs with a cotton cord. Brown the upper butter in a frying pan approx. 10 min and then put it in the oven at 160 ° C for approx. 1 hour. Add water and wine during frying. Cut onions and carrot into small

Lunch A piece of carrot Water Hermes etas dryslet ...

Clean the herring and put it in soft overnight. Cut the herring into small pieces. Crush the peppercorns roughly. Peel the carrot and arrow loose. Bring the water to boil and add spices. Let it boil for 15 minutes. Add the onion and carrot cut into slices and

Sides Bay leaf Red wine or white wine Salt ...

Boil the wine with herbs and spices, until herbs are tender (about 10 minutes). Place the marinade into a bowl and let it cool off. Marinate meat, fish or poultry for 6-12 hours in a refrigerator. Dip the meat with a kitchen roll before grilling. Light meat is

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Bay leaf ...

Cut the eggplant into slices and shake them in oil on the forehead. Place them on the bottom of an ovenproof dish. Chop the chopped onions in oil until golden. Add the chopped meat and stir until it has split. Add the other ingredients and boil the meat for 10