Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Chopped onion

Mains Pepper Fresh chopped parsley Chopped onion ...

Whole mole dishes are mixed and the meat is marinated in a cool place for 36 hours. The meat is then cooked at 150 degrees for one and a half hours with some of the marinade at the bottom of the dish. The meat is dripped frequently during frying. The mea

Mains Oregano Pepper Salt ...

The ingredients are stirred together in a bowl. They are laid down on a forehead with a little fat on it. The steak rose for 10 minutes. On one side and reversed. Hereafter tomatoes are sliced ​​on the meat. Now pour the peeled tomatoes over, at last put grate

Lunch A few whole Sage leaves Minced parsley Olive oil ...

Sweat lamb in small cubes in olive oil along with bacon cakes. Add chopped onion, 1-2 dried or 3 fresh chopped chillipeber, chopped parsley and a pair of whole sage leaves. Let it all spin dry for low heat, taste with salt. Serve the mixture on toasted b

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Brown the chops on a hot forehead, cool and peel a pocket in each. Bring the bread softly into the milk. Sweat slipped in some oil and stir in the bread. Stir spices and chopped olives and fill the chops. Fasten with toothpicks and style them in the oven at 20

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

The chops are sprinkled with salt and pepper and brown on both sides in oil and butter on a pan. The chops are picked up and placed in a refractory dish. All the ingredients of the gratin are stirred together and distributed over the chops. The chops are gr

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped onion ...

Preheat the lenses in leachate water for 10 minutes. Brush the chops with oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper and grill them for 15-18 min. With regular turning. Try cutting the cutter when it's pink, the rest of the cutlet is passed. Sauter while oiled i

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Rabbit parties. Bring in butter, add liquid, onions, parsley, mushrooms and spices. Darkness for low heat for approx. 1 hour. The sauce is leveled and added to the color. Served with fried potatoes.

Mains Olive oil Pepper Red wine ...

Brown slipped in olive oil and a little butter. Lay the meat down and brown on all sides. Sprinkle salt and pepper over. Add cinnamon and carnations. Stir the sugar over the dish and stir well. Finally pour red wine over the dish, so the meat is almost covered