Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Various recipes

Various A little lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Rinse the estragon and dry it. The oil and the estragons are thoroughly blended with spelled blender and poured several times through a slice until the oil is green and without grums. Stir the egg yolk with mustard and vinegar. Carefully pour the oil carefu

Various Spices sfter taste Oil Salt (either alm. salt or coarse) ...

Peel the carrots and cut them into thin slices of thin slices in a bag of oil and salt and spices. Put the slices on a frying pan at 200 hot air and remove them when they are brown at the edge

Various Soy sauce Lemon, thereof Ginger, fresh ...

Grate the lemon shale, only the yellow and the fresh ginger. Mix the ingredients well. Let the chicken pull in the marinade for half an hour before cooking.

Various Chamber junker (use for there is no more batter) Icing sugar Milk ...

Whip egg, flour, rice and cinnamon together. Put the chamber jars in the "dough" and turn them over. Stir them on a pan with a little butter and turn them until they look like french toast. They are easy to look too browned, but can not be tasted. Server wi

Various Chili Fill: (your choice taste) Pepper ...

The dough: All ingredients are well mixed with elpisker A pan is heated and poured into a thin pancake. They should not be completely finished, but light and soft, only so they can be reversed and removed. Fill: Meat brune in a saucepan or a wok with a

Various Oil Baking soda Oatmeal ...

Turn on the oven at 180 degrees. Mix all the ingredients together into a thick porridge. Half put on a baking paper and place a new piece of baking paper on top. Roll out the "porridge" with a baking roll for a large flat crispbread. Remove the top b

Various Æber Sugar Cinnamon ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees normal oven. Cut the apples into bars approx. 1 cm thick. Mix sugar and cinnamon. Place apples on a baking sheet with baking paper on. Pour the cane sugar over and mix it (easiest with your hands). Spread them out Throw them in

Various Apple juice Maple syrup Banana ...

After you have all the ingredients for the smoothie you want to make, mix it together. Add if necessary. Little sugar. tips: They taste good :)