Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Cucumber

Mains Cucumber Flutes Pepper ...

Cut the cucumber into thin slices and mix the slices with 2 tablespoons. Coarse salt and let them draw 30 min. Pour while yogurt natural in a coffee filter and let it drip off for as long. Rinse the salt of cucumbers into a sieve and dip them dry. Bring the dr

Mains Freshly ground pepper Corn flour Oil for frying ...

The cucumber is cut into thin slices and sprinkled with salt. Pulling 20 min. And twisted. Vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper are whipped together and put the cucumber slices. The fillet is polished to the ends and cut into 4 equal pieces. Set to the top and pres

Mains Pepper Salt Chili strong, encountered ...

Dough: Mix the two kinds of flour and whip the milk together with the eggs. Let the dough rest in the fridge while cooking the filling. Filling: Clean the mushroom and cut them into slices. Chop peel and peel the pepper in the tern. Melt the butter in a s

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme, dried ...

Boil all parts into marinade together in a small saucepan and let it get cold. Shake the bacon crisp and place it on the kitchen roll. Place the salmon pieces in a greased oven dish with a little distance between them. Divide marinade on the pieces. First

Appetizers Olive oil Cucumber Onion ...

Cucumber, tomato, onion, parsley finely chopped and placed in a bowl. Add tomato paste, salt and stir around. Taste with chilli (it should be able to induce sweat pills in the forehead, but at the same time be comfortable in taste). Pour a reasonable amount of

Lunch (to go) Ketchup Bell pepper in spelling Little Hamburger (from supper) ...

Sprinkle a sunflower bowl and butter it with ketchup after taste. Put a few lettuce leaves, chop and cucumber discs. Close the bowl and pack it in household movies. Bring sandwiches or a few slices of crispbread into food paper while cheeses and spreads of pep

Mains Chili Salt Dried Basil ...

Make pasta of 2-3 carrots with spiral cutters, or tear them on a grater. sauce: Blend until it's a nice light green sauce. tips:

Lunch (to go) Pepper Salt At grovbolle (80 g) ...

The bulgur is soaked in boiling water and draws approx. ½ hour under cover. The vegetables are rinsed and cut into small terns. Seasonings are rinsed and chopped well. The dressing is mixed. All ingredients are mixed together.